The Cantors Assembly Foundation is a separate organization from the Cantors Assembly, Inc. made up of mostly past-presidents of the Assembly with a few additional invited members on its Board of Directors.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Cantors Assembly Foundation is to make a difference in the world through Jewish study, music and worship.


Vision Statement

The Cantors Assembly Foundation will encourage, nurture and support inspiring and creative Jewish musical, educational, and liturgical projects.


Recent Projects

Recent projects have included five volumes on Eastern European hazzanut complied by Sholom Kalib; musical siddurim by Pinchas Spiro and Sol Zim, along with other cantorial texts and materials. We have helped fund the creation of several documentaries including the award winning One Hundred Voices: A Mission to Poland, as well as two videos about Hazzan Jacob Ben Zion Mendelson produced by Erik Anjou.  CAF funded a virtual choir video of African-American singers and Jewish cantors performing Richard Smallwood’s “Total Praise.” We also made available, to our regions, lectures and performances of Italian Jewish music.

We look forward to giving grants, loans, and subsidies for projects of import to the Jewish musical world that will be meaningful and long-lasting.


Applying for Grants

Anyone interested in applying for a grant from the Foundation must submit a written proposal that includes a budget and timeline. For more information about the grant submission process and to fill out an application please click here.


Officers of the Foundation

President Hazzan Sheldon Levin
Vice President Hazzan David Propis
Treasurer Hazzan Nancy Abramson
Secretary Hazzan Alissa Pomerantz Boro

If you would like to make a donation to the Cantors Assembly Foundation please fill out the form below
