The mission of the Max Janowski Society is to increase audiences and enthusiasm for the music of Max Janowski (1912-1991); to collect, catalog, distribute, adapt, and publish new editions of Max Janowski’s music; to educate performers, scholars, and the general public about Janowski’s musical legacy; and to be the primary resource for information and discussion about Janowski’s scores, recordings, and publications.

The Max Janowski Society is producing new editions of Janowski’s music. They are designed especially for cantors, cantorial soloists, Jewish synagogue choirs, and anyone who loves Jewish music.

For each of the Max Janowski compositions in our catalog, we have created a Performance Editions Series package that contain tools for your performers:

  • Sheet music in one or more keys.
  • Audio files of the piece for rehearsal preparation, including audio that highlights each choral part.
  • scholarly annotations by editors Cantor Cory Winter and Jordan Goodman, who worked closely with Max Janowski
  • translations throughout the piece for ease of interpretation and deeper understanding
  • adaptation to contemporary Jewish liturgical practices, using text from Mishkan T’filah, Mishkan Hanefesh, Siddur Lev Shalem, Machzor Lev Shalem, and Machzor Chadash
  • metronome markings and tempo indications to reflect Janowski’s own performances and musical intentions
  • the inclusion, seen here for the first time, of Janowski’s piano improvisations transcribed into the scores
  • digitized files for ease of transposition

Once you have downloaded the files, we encourage you to share them with your performers (you don’t need to buy a copy for each person).

The proceeds from these sales are being divided between the Cantors Assembly and the Max Janowski Society, for the purpose of creating new editions of Max Janowski’s music, to educate performers and future generations about Janowski’s musical legacy.

Click below on any of the thumbnail images to see the full piece for purchase in our store. 


Max Janowski: The Great Works Volume 1 CD


Solo Editions ($25.00)

Al Hanisim

Ba'ah M'nuchah

Der Rebbe Elimelech

Es Brent



Ki Sarita Im Elohim

Kol Nidrey

Leyl Shimurim

L'chu N'ran'na

M'zogt Es Iz a Land Do

Nachamu, Nachamu Ami

Shabbat Hamalka

Shiru Ladonai

Tavo L'fanecha

Sim Shalom

Two Psalms of Comfort and Consolation

Two Short Meditations

Two Wedding Songs

T'filah Lish'lom M'dinat Yisraeyl

Un'taneh Tokef. Uv'shofar Gadol



Zot Ot Hab'rit

Eyl Melech Yosheyv Al Kisey Rachamim

Adonai Eyl Rachum

Sh'ma Koleynu

Avinu Malkeynu

Shim'u Eylai Rodfey Tsedek

Kol B'Ramah Nishma

Choral Editions ($50.00)

Al Hanisim

Ashira Ladonai

Avinu Malkeynu

Ba'ah M'nuchah

Bimey Matityahu

Es Brent


Kol Nidrey

Mi Y'maleyl

Nachamu, Nachamu Ami

Shir Hachalutsim

Shiru Ladonai

Sim Shalom, B'Seyfer Chayim

Un'taneh Tokef, Uv'shofar Gadol

Ush'avtem Mayim

