Though COVID-19 has forced us out of our shuls, it can't stop us from davening, from singing and from celebrating Jewish life together virtually. Below, you will find a fast-growing list of services, classes and other events in ALL DENOMINATIONS that can be found online. Clicking on the name of the community will take you to a more detailed look at that community's complete offerings, including whether or not they are egalitarian and will give mourners and those observing yahrzeit an opportunity to say kaddish.

Below the list, you can also add your community to the list. You need not be a CA member to add your community to this list. See you online, and G-d willing back in shul in the very near future.


Where to Find Services Online

Displaying 51 - 75 of 77

CongregationLinkCityTime ZoneMovement
Agudas Achim Congregationagudasachim-va.orgEasternConservative
Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-Elfacebook.comEasternConservative
NSS Beth Elnssbethel.orgUnited StatesConservative
Mah Tovu (Ner Tamid Ezra Habonim Egalitarian Minyan)zoom.usUnited StatesConservative
Beth El Congregationfacebook.comMountain Standard Time (Phoenix)Conservative
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregationadatshalom.netEasternReconstructionist
Congregation Shearith Israelshearith.orgCentralConservative
Congregation Har Shalomfacebook.comEasternConservative
Anshe Emet Synagogueansheemet.orgCentralConservative
Temple Aliyahtemplealiyah.orgPacificConservative
Congergation Beth Israel Ner Tamidfacebook.comCentralConservative
Beth Shalom of Whittierfacebook.comPacificConservative
Temple Bnai Orfacebook.comEasternReform
Neve Shalomzoom.usEasternConservative
MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLEfacebook.comPacificConservative
Adath Jeshurunfacebook.comEasternConservative
Tifereth Israeltiferethisrael.orgEasternConservative
Ohr Kodesh Congregationgoogle.comEasternConservative
Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centrefacebook.comEasternConservative
Temple Beth Zionwowza.comEasternReform
Dix Hills Jewish Centerdhjc.orgEasternConservative
Congregation Beth Elzoom.usEasternConservative
Congregation Adath Jeshurunadathjeshurun.comEasternConservative
Highland Park Conservative Temple - Congregation Anshe Emetzoom.usEasternConservative
Temple Aliyahtemplealiyah.orgWoodland Hills, CAPacificConservative
CongregationLinkCityTime ZoneMovement