We are excited to announce the launch of Ilu Finu, the National Jewish A Capella Songwriting Competition, led by the amazing team of Cantors Matthew Austerklein, Ben Tisser, Jeremy Burko and Arianne Brown!

The official search has begun for all collegiate arrangers of Jewish a cappella groups! How would you arrange a song in a contemporary a cappella style -- for prayer?

We are looking for you to take your passion for a cappella, singing, and spirituality, and transform minyanim and the American synagogue through amazing arrangements that uplift, engage, and inspire.

What could you win? Cash prizes, finalist concert in Chicago (January 2018), and publication in a book through Cantors Assembly Publications!

Visit www.ilufinu.org to learn more and submit your entries! Submissions will be accepted through June 15, 2017.

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