You’re Invited to … Spend a Day with the CA!
Monday, June 4, 2018 at the PGA Resort and Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Do you love Jewish Music?  Chazzanut?  Great Speakers?  Inspiring Concerts?

Join us this year as a LAY DELEGATE to the 71st Cantors Assembly Annual Convention, A Musical Retreat with World Renowned Cantors!

-Recitals of Cantorial Gems, Art Song, and New Jewish Music
-Stimulating Lectures from Great Jewish Speakers
-Delicious, Catered Kosher meals
-Intimate Conversations with today's Cantorial Leaders and Innovators
-VIP seating at our Gala Concert:  Treasures of Yissish Song, sponsored by The Milken Archive of Jewish Music
-Camaraderie with your Favorite Cantors!
-Hosted at the PGA National Resort & Spa

For more information, to register, or for Sponsorship Opportunities contact the Cantors Assembly office 330-864-8533 or

“A Day with the CA” at a Glance 

9:45am-10:45am:  Welcome & Jewish Learning with Rabbi Jack Riemer

11:00am-12:00pm:  Keynote Lecture from Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger

12:15pm-1:00pm:  Cantorial Recital, featuring renowned Cantors Jack & Fredda Mendelson

1:15pm-2:30pm:  Kosher Catered Lunch with America's Cantors!

2:30pm-2:45pm:  Mincha (Afternoon service)

3:00pm-3:45pm:  This Cantorial Life:  An Intimate Conversation about the Modern Cantorate with Emerging Leaders

4:00pm-5:00pm:  Musical Event:  The Musical Creativity of Cantor Rachelle Nelson (Pinecrest, FL)

5:00pm-6:00pm:  Cocktail Hour with the Leadership of the Cantors Assembly

6:30pm-7:45pm:  Kosher Catered Dinner & Singalong with the Cantors (Vegetarian Options Available)

8:00pm-10:00pm:  Treasures of Yiddish Song Concert (including Ma'ariv) with VIP seating for Lay Delegates, sponsored by the Milken Archive of Jewish Music